Completing a project

How do I complete/finish a project?

(Note: This is an Admin only task)

When your project has finished and you no longer have any live assignments, you can archive that project from your online portal. Before you can complete a project on the system, you must complete all the assignments on that project first. You can do this by dissociating the inspection device or label the using the Inspect7® app.

Once you have completed all the assignments associated with the project, you can complete the project by:

  1. Log in to the online portal
  2. Click the ‘Projects‘ tab from the top navigation menu
  3. From the list of projects, click on the project that you would like to complete
  4. From the submenu, click the ‘Edit‘ tab
  5. Below, click on the ‘Complete‘ tab
  6. Finally, click the ‘Complete‘ button and then ‘Submit‘ to confirm the completion of the project

(Be careful, this action cannot be undone)

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